Long time, No See!

Hello!  I know it has been a while since I have posted on the blog and I seriously apologize for that!  If you have friended me on Facebook, then you know that 2019 as been a weird year for me!  Let’s start at the beginning.

On New Year’s Eve, I slipped and ended up breaking my left shoulder, right radius and messed up the nerves in my back.  Yeah, it wasn’t fun and I wasn’t even drinking. 😦

Just as I was getting better, I had an ocular stroke.  That means that I lost vision in my left eye due to a stroke but I was blessed to get most of my vision back.  It was all a very surreal experience!

Some of you may know that I have two teenage boys.  My eldest spawn, Liam graduated this year and I am beyond excited.  He also has spent the last 18 months learning to be a firefighter and was sworn in last night as a full member!!


Class of 2019!
So Proud of him!

Shortly, after his graduation I left for a writer’s retreat in the Poconos hosted by the incredibly talented Alex Grayson.  She is a wonderful person who plans these long weekends out for us to get some writing done and I was successful!



We had some amazing folks join us this year.  There were eleven of us participating this year and we wrote almost 150,000 words and a lot of editing!!


I am releasing Amour, Cafe & Beignets which was in the anthology From Paris with Love.  It is a shifter romance but the story is more contemporary.

Dash always known that Piper was his mate but she was younger than him.  When she was sixteen, he left Paris to allow her to finish growing up and to follow her dreams.  Now she is a pastry chef with a prestigious degree on the cusp of opening her own restaurant.  When Piper discovers that Dash has returned to Paris, she knows it is time to make that wolf her own.

Amazon Cover - Book Cover - Amour, Cafe, & Beignets by Brandy Dorsch


I have the third book in the Hunger Mates series completed and I am working on a cover for it.  It will be released soon as well.

During the retreat, I finished a PNR Contemporary Reverse Harem.  This one is a little different and I will be bringing more information soon.  I have been reading a lot of books lately, as I waited to get more range of movement in my arms.  I hope you are on goodreads.  Check out the books on my challenge because there are some amazing ones!

Have a great weekend and makes sure friend me on facebook.  I am going to working on getting more active on Instagram as well!

